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Étude tridimensionnelle de la convection naturelle et de la génération d'entropie dans un capteur solaire équipé de partitions.
Tridimensional study of the natural convection and the entropy generation in a solar collector equipped with partitions.
Recommended by the IIR / IIR document
Melting of PCM: correlations for natural convection onset.
Simulation de la convection naturelle dans le récepteur d'un concentrateur cylindro-parabolique par la méthode de Boltzmann sur réseau (LBM).
Simulation of the natural convection in the receiver of a parabolic cylinder concentrator through the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM).
Thermal and hydraulic performance of natural convection in a rectangular storage cavity.
IIR document
Experimental study of frost formation on straight cylindrical fins of cryogenic temperature under natural convection conditions.
Liquid desiccant air conditioning system with natural convection.
Application of smart models for prediction of the frost layer thickness on vertical cryogenic surfaces under natural convection.
Dynamic modelling of the steady state and load processing operation of a domestic refrigerator cooled through natural convection.
Instalacija za eksperimentalna istraživanja prirodne i prirodno-prinudne (mešovite) konvekcije duž vertikalne termo-aktivne sobne površine.
Experimental apparatus for experimental studies of natural and mixed convection along vertical thermo active room surface.
An experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer from a helically coiled heat exchanger.
Experimental study of frost crystal dendrite growth on a cryogenic cold surface under natural convection conditions.
Numerical investigation of heat and mass transport in a refrigerated vegetable crisper with natural convection.
Experimental study of frost formation on a fin-and-tube heat exchanger by natural convection.
Numerical investigation on the natural convection effects in the melting process of PCM in a finned container using lattice Boltzmann method.
Experimental and numerical investigations on optimal distribution of heat source array under natural and forced convection in a horizontal channel.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
3 results
Maturity level of alternative AC technologies
In a recent review article, the authors assessed air conditioning technologies in Europe according to their Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
PCMs to reduce energy consumption in buildings
A recent review article describes the principles of latent heat thermal energy storage systems using phase change materials (PCMs), and their applications to improve thermal performance in the building...
Extreme heat reduces productivity in global economies
In a recent report, a non-profit organisation examined how global warming is affecting the economy and labour productivity in 12 major urban areas worldwide.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling
In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...